
In addition to being Vice President and co-founder of Sandbox Technologies Chris is an Assistant Professor and holds the McCandless Chair in Carnegie Mellon's School of Design where he teaches courses in visual interface design, human-computer interaction, information design, and drawing. Chris, formerly a Director at Fitch Inc in Boston, has over 8 years of experience consulting with the high-tech industry. He has worked with a variety of corporations including Digital, Compaq, Motorola, Intel and Iomega. His work in human computer interaction and future concepts in computing have been recognized by the IDSA (Industrial Design Society of America), Business Week, Graphis, Interactions Magazine, Popular Science, Wired and the London Sunday Times. His thoughts on interaction design have been shared at conferences both in the U.S. and Europe. Chris, also an active painter and media artist has shown his work in Pittsburgh, New York and Detroit galleries. He holds a B.F.A. from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.F.A., from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Oh yeah, and Chris designed this site too.